TTOT Aug 21, 2015

Back to school.  For parents, this can be met with happiness or sadness.  Some are happy to have some time back to themselves. Some are sad that this will mean homework and schedules and no time just to relax.  For me, it means back to work.  I started the week, wishing I had a better job.  Now I am getting a phone call about interviewing for a new job, and not sure I want to answer it.  Where do I stand on the thankful list?  Thankful that I have a job. Wishing I had done things differently when I was younger, and not sure where to go from here.

#10 Thankful for the job…it is about as easy of a job as you can get.  It isn’t much money, but it is some money and although it can be frustrating, it is not difficult.

#9 Thankful the week is about done. I left a list of things for my student to do over the weekend.  Get your binder fixed up.  I sincerely doubt it will be done on Monday.

#8  I was hoping this whole week would be a celebration of thankfulness that my son is getting some mental help he needs.  So far it hasn’t happened.  Still waiting..but hopeful it will happen eventually.

#7 Thankful for a nice lunch with a friend.  This is someone I haven’t done a lot with in the past, but I am trying to widen my circle of friends. cafe calabria Aug. 21, 2015 002

#6 Thankful that my friend picked a fun new place to try and she was so friendly, that after we had our lunch, she talked to the owner, who gave us each a free latte !

#5 Thankful and thankful and thankful again for the support from a caregiver for my parents.

#4 I don’t want to jinx anything..hopefully thankful that my weight doesn’t seem to be up too much.  I check in with my diet people tomorrow after being gone for three weeks and hope it isn’t too bad.

#3 Thankful I have not had the shingles.  I read from someone on here who had this, and I have heard it is bad, and I have put off having the shingles vaccine, worried that I would somehow come down with it, from the vaccine.  I have to deal with it eventually, but for now I am putting it off.

#2 Thankful I have managed to write something in spite of going back to work, and dealing with paperwork stuff from my parents and me, and feeling overwhelmed.

#1 Thankful this is short but done !

7 thoughts on “TTOT Aug 21, 2015

  1. ivywalker

    never want shingles again… got the vaccine and havent yet… same with pneumonia vaccine… fingers and toes crossed… hoping your son gets all he needs and soon … and cool for you to be reaching out when its not easy… making new friends.


  2. May

    Sounds like you are a member of what I have heard called the sandwich generation….stuck in care giving mode for the generation on either side of you. Be good to yourself. Nurturing friendships is a good start. You are at a tough stage of life.


  3. dyannedillon

    I am terrified of getting shingles, and I am not one to borrow trouble! I need to ask my oncologist if I should get the vaccine, because those commercials scare the living daylights out of me! I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I’ve heard that stress can bring them on, and you are certainly under stress with your parents and your son, so maybe you should think about that vaccine.


  4. Kimberly M (@momgosomething)

    Any sort of work, hard or easy, well paid or not, is definitely a blessing indeed. I hope that whatever you decide with the interview that it goes well. I’ve been in that position as well and it’s a hard decision.
    #8 breaks my heart and I hope that this week brings you some answers and solutions. No one should have to wait for treatment. I have a mental illness and there is no difference between that and having an illness like heart disease. It should be treated promptly but sadly it rarely is.


  5. Pat B

    Glad you were able to have lunch with a friend. It allows you some time to relax and talk. I hope you are able to get the help your son needs, for his sake and for yours. There can be serious side affects from shingles. I had a mild case, but I ‘ve had friends who have had serious side affects where their vision was damaged. I had the shingles first and my doctor said that I should still get the shot, so I wouldn’t get a worse case at some point.



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