Sat. Oct 17 2015 TTOT It wasn’t a no good, terrible very bad day.

It’s that time again.  The week sped by and here it is past time.  There won’t be any wonderful pictures.  There won’t be any jumping for joy.  There won’t be any notice about how exciting the week went.  Time to buckle down and really be thankful.  I did read an article today about how being grateful changes your brain chemistry and you suddenly feel better.  It isn’t that it was a hard week. It wasn’t terrible.  It just wasn’t anything that you would think, “Wow, this will be something for a gratitude post.”  So, for today, we will be happy that nothing terrible happened. There is a children’s book called “Alexander and the no good terrible very bad day.” This was NOT “a no good terrible, very bad day. And this was NOT a no good terrible very bad week. Thank you !!!

10) My parents did well this week.  I got a call from the caregiver that mom answered several questions on how to spell words.  Now, these are not college level words, but she has forgotten how to spell her name.  She has, at times, broken down in tears when they play these games, because she realizes she should be able to do this, but cannot.  And Dad was able to walk from his room to the activity room and do the activity and walk back.  He wasn’t able to do that today, but to do it several days, that is really surprising.  Also, he fed himself most days.  All things to be grateful for. These things don’t last, so we are grateful for each time they do happen.

9) Got a call from my oldest son, who says he will be here for Thanksgiving. He said that he has managed to get a week off work.  He has several plans on the way down and back, but it will be nice to have him here for Thanksgiving.  This is not the son that was just here.  This one is always busy and has too much to do.  He will be bringing his girlfriend.  She has a lot of health issues, so we hope it all works out. Again, these are not things you might be excited about, but it is nice and I want to be grateful that we will have these days to look forward to.

8) I haven’t really heard from the second son since he went back.  He needs a job and is looking. I am sure we would have heard if he had gotten one.  I am grateful that I haven’t heard anything bad. It is NOT a  “no good terrible bad day.” And that is remarkable in and of itself.  Thank you Lord !

7) Second son has an appointment with the doctor on the 20th.  I am hopeful that she will have some suggestions of what he should be doing.  I hope that she can and will get him into some programs for mental health.  Feeling hopeful and grateful that there are people out there doing some great things.  I saw on the news this week that one police department in the northeast has decided that the war on drugs is over and that if you come in and say you want to get help, they will help you find the help you need.  What an amazing attitude that is.  Makes me hopeful that people can come to their senses about mental health and drug and alcohol issues.

6) I managed to get through the week of work.  The kid I am working with did well during a group test in math. He is the kid that most others won’t listen to.  The first question, he had the right answer and the other kids were not believing him.  I couldn’t say anything as it was a test.  He stood his ground and explained he was right.  They finally checked their notes and found he was right. I told him how proud of him I was.  He felt good.  That was really a nice moment. He did lose several assignments that I know he did, and he did not get those turned in.  I will concentrate on the math test.  Certainly NOT a terrible no good very bad day.

5) After reading a different blog, I have to realize I am grateful I had a full tank of gas this week.  And on top of that, my husband checked my car today to make sure it has coolant. Normally, I have to remind him to check that, and often I have to find out that I don’t have coolant the hard way when the temperature suddenly goes skyrocketing up.  My car needed coolant and got it.  Definitely, NOT a no good terrible bad day.  Thank you !

4)   I have been on a diet for a long time.  I have lost a lot of weight.  This week I was tempted to eat several things that I probably should not eat.  I ate some of those and did not eat the cookies in the staff work room.  I lost a half a pound.  My goal for the week was to lose one pound.  I didn’t make that goal, but I did lose.  NOT a terrible thing.  I am happy with a half a pound.

3)  I went to the Farmers Market today all by myself.  I missed my friend that went with me before she moved, but it was a nice day there.  Saying that, means that it was not crowded and the line for crepes was not long.  The weather was overcast and looked like rain, but it did not rain, and was pleasant enough. I bought my granddaughter two adorable little hair bows.  I hope my daughter enjoys them.

2)  My daughter wrote to me this morning that her boyfriend got a call from someone in the area that they want to move.  He is going to help him find a job up there.  They are excited.  I am hopeful that they will really be able to go start a real life together.  I will miss having them here, but they need to go where they can have a better life.  I am hopeful for her and that is a nice feeling.

  1. I took a video of my granddaughter.  She is learning to eat.  Each time she wants a spoonful she grunts.  Each time you give her a spoonful she says “yum yum yum” as she eats. It is hysterical to me.  I have probably watched the video a hundred times and it makes me laugh each time.  She is a tad “chunky”.  She gets stuck in the seat we put her into to eat.  She LOVES eating.  What a joy to watch her !  That is NOT a terrible no good very bad day.

I hope you had a good week..not a no good terrible very bad week.  There are even more things to be grateful for. There was rain, but not too much here. There was too much rain in LA but no one lost their life.  There are a lot of problems in the world, but I have food to eat and a roof over my head.  Thank you !

10 thoughts on “Sat. Oct 17 2015 TTOT It wasn’t a no good, terrible very bad day.

  1. herheadache

    It is obvious, by reading this, that you only want the very best for all your children.
    If they are alright, your week is worth so much. I don’t have ay children of my own, but I have a niece and nephews and I feel the same. If they are happy, so am I and it definitely puts life in its proper perspective.


  2. dyannedillon

    I love Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, and I love the way you worked it into your post! I think there’s nothing wrong in being thankful that bad things DIDN’T happen. Glad your parents are doing well, or as well as can be expected. And diet setbacks are okay. You didn’t ruin anything. Here’s a thankful for you: your weight loss has inspired me to get some weight off, too. I used to be pretty thin before I started treatments for breast cancer. Now I’m faaaat and hate it. I’ve lost 11 lbs in the first two weeks, although I don’t expect to keep up that pace for very long. So thank you for your inspiration!


  3. lrconsiderer

    This is a really, really good thankful post – there’s no need for mega huge things, or for a desperate scramble for an absence of bad ones…just a rich appreciation for the good things which are in the very fabric of the everyday. I’m glad you get to see your son for thanksgiving, and that your granddaughter brings you such joy 🙂


  4. Pat B

    Dementia and Alzheimer’s present in different way to individuals. Being able to appreciate the things that happen on their good days is a blessing. It is getting harder and harder to have any kind of meaningful conversation with my Mom. I miss that. I know how frustrating it must be for your Mom to realize that she is no longer able to do things she once could do.
    I love that little book, too. I remember reading it to the children at a preschool where I worked when my oldest was little. That book was always a hit.
    I’m glad you didn’t get all the rain plus mud that was in the LA area. That would have been terrible!



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